Cafe and retail interior design
Year : 2022
Area : 150 sq.m
Location : Bangkok, Thailand
Photographer : Thanapol Jongsiripipat
Graphic designer : Tanapoom Parnanong
UFO doughnut is an artisanal doughnut and coffee destination created from pure passion and dedication of two individuals, Tai and Mint. They believe that delightful pleasure can be delivered from simple holey dessert such as doughnuts as soon as you take a bite. The idea behind creating UFO Doughnut is that they want to bring back nostalgia and sentimental appeal of comfort food from our good old days and elevate it with “style”. Yes! We are talking about the innovation of doughnuts. They want to make better-tasting and better-looking doughnuts by applying their artisanal approach and creativities into the fried dough. Using only real and finest ingredients available, they’ve mastered the ultimate recipe for brioche based American style doughnuts with exceptional flavors and texture so crazy good like it’s “Out of This World”.
Spacecraft has been assigned for creating an extraordinary space for UFO doughnut including façade , POS area ,kitchen and sitting area. By seeing Tai and Mint’s passions and determinations of making best doughnut in town, we aimed to design an outstanding space and details in every elements possible.
UFO is located in a very prime area of Bangkok, Sathorn area, where is known for business center and residences for expats. It situated at 1st -2nd floor of 5 storey building with only 6 meters width. We put POS counter area in the front of 1st floor in order to quickly serve to-go customers and main kitchen at the back. Tai and Mint make their doughnuts daily in this kitchen and directly serve to customers at the shopfront since freshness is what they most concerned.
All seating area is at the second floor. Our intension is creating different seating groups, differentiated by colors and forms. A box seating area with benches where is placed at the back of 2nd floor, creating a space within space, give a new and interesting experiences unlike other café and doughnut shop in town.
2 floors are connected with a staircase where we wanted to design an extremely WOW! transition space. We designed this staircase in ultra marine blue which is the one of the brand identity color of UFO doughnut. By using continuous LED lighting from wall to ceiling , created a stunning and photogenic corner of the shop. Another connection between 2 floors is a void that intentionally place above doughnuts showcase on the 1st floor countertop. This allowed customers to see doughnuts from the 2nd floor.
Graphic and signage design are other important design elements. Working closely with graphic designer, Tanapoom Pornanong, who also designed logo and brand identity for UFO doughnut. He came up with an idea of creating UFO family member characters including Kyle, Granma Millie, Papa Alan, Mom Michelle and Little sister Kelly. This helped UFO doughnut has a stronger and approachable brand identity. Also, bubblegum pink and ultramarine blue are selected as identity colors which are intregated in some of accent interior elements such as a ‘H’ beam metal columns, staircase, counter top and some of loose furniture.
Surrounding by business shop house and high-rise buildings, we decided to use grey ventilation blocks cladding the whole 1st and 2nd floor of the building. This gave a bold look and made the store popping out amongs other building in the area.
UFO doughnut will launch soon, ready to serve best doughnuts in town. In the same time, offer new experiences by interior design to both daily customers and café hoppers. We are very thrilled for the opening day to welcome everyone to UFO spaceship.