beyond code academy - thonglor
ฺBeyond Code Academy - Thonglor branch
Year : 2022
Area : 94 sq.m
Location : Bangkok, Thailand
Photographer : Thanapol Jongsiripipat
“Coding” is a new skill of this 21st century, which soon become a fundamental skill such as reading skill. In Thailand, Coding is one is the lessons that already put into many schools’ curriculum. Not only adults or teenagers can learn “coding” but it can be taught also to the early age of kids starting from 4 years old, as their learning preparation for critical thinking.
This new branch , Beyond Code Academy located in Thonglor area, the city center of Bangkok, Thailand. It is a progressive Coding school for kids which is inspired from “Silicon Valley”, world’s innovation center and headquarter of many leading tech companies, where is known for creative and innovative working culture. Beyond Code Academy believed that learning environment plays tremendous roles on encouraging kids’ learning skills. They put “Play based leaning” as their school’s concept, while aims to be a creative learning hub and coding playground for kids and teenagers.
Spacecraft took this opportunity to design their 2nd school as keywords; innovative, hi-tech, fun and creative space. The school contains 4 classrooms, reception and waiting area, pantry and 2 small hub for online class. We placed 1 circular classroom in the middle of space as the main feature, surrounded by a circulation to other classrooms. This circulation has also a function for practicing robots-controls by computers. Waiting bench is attached to this circular classroom in the middle as function for parents’ waiting area.
Light beige , blue , yellow and white are selected colors, while enhancing the hi-tech touch with stainless steel and LED strip lights. Curve elements are used to make the schools look more young and fun. Trying to avoid a simple-boring classroom, we make 4 classrooms in totally different design. 1st classroom in the middle is painted with light beige color with large stainless steel-frame window. The round shape led Barrisol ceiling creates an exceptional classroom vibe. 2nd classroom is painted with yellow color with round shape acoustic ceiling. 3rd classroom is all white color acoustic board with the playful touch of coding symbols graphic on the ceiling. The last classroom is in blue color with small minimal quote on the wall.
Moreover, graphic design plays a big part too. We selected some symbols that always use for coding lesson to integrate with interior design. Applying these symbols to be door knobs, classroom names and wall magnets, brings about interesting gimmicks to the design details.
Beyond Code Academy, Thonglor branch is the 2nd branch after the 1st branch at Block28 where we designed last year. This school is focus more on more wide range of kids’ age, also the online class too.